

"For thousands of years the idea of Atlantis has captured the minds and imagination of countless generations. At least 25,000 books have been published on the subject, and the output of material just keeps on growing.

Atlantis it seems has a special place in our hearts, and the reason for this is hotly debated. Some call it a collective consciousness of this by-gone era, and others term it mass hysteria. But to us the idea of Atlantis is important because we need to show that former world ages have a basis in fact. This is why successive investigators have lavished so much time and effort in this quest. It is the urge to prove what many claim to feel by instinct - the historical reality of a once great island that sank beneath the waves.

Origins of story:

Amazingly, the fact we have any clue at all of such an islands existence is down to the diligence of just one person - the Greek philosopher Plato.

Writing in the 4th century BC, his Timaeus and Critias provides a tantalising outline of a great island that once existed beyond the Pillars of Hercules. This island, inhabited by a god-like race wielded enormous power and influence. Initially this power was used to great benefit, but eventually Atlantis grew steadily corrupt. According to Plato it's end came during a period of intense volcanic activity when the island literally vanished beneath the waves.

Source material.

Plato derived his source material from the friend of a friend - Solon, who travelled extensively throughout Egypt. There he was taken into the confidence of priests from the Temple of Sais. They told him of sacred records relating to a great island westwards of the Pillars of Hercules. These spoke of its physical size and dimensions, it's location with respect to America and Europe, as well as a detailed outline of its customs and traditions. According to the priests, the immense catastrophe that destroyed the island occurred over 9000 years beforehand.

Vanished 12,500 years ago.

Here lies the crux of the story. Atlantis vanished over 12,500 years ago. At that time humanity was thought to have barely risen above the status of hunter gatherers. Yet the Timaeus and Critias insists on the existence of a highly developed world at that time.

Atlantis; Fact or fiction?

At present mainstream science steadfastly refuses to even consider the possibility that Atlantis may once have existed. Those scientists that even accept some bare semblance of truth in the legend, modify Plato's timescale to considerably more recent times, and place it's location anywhere, other than where Plato claims it to have been!

The uncomfortable reality is that for Atlantis to assume its place in history, it must surmount years of ingrained bigotry; the refusal to see the island in anything but a fictional setting.

Continental Drift.

As it is the scientific arguments against the existence of Atlantis are many. Principally they hinge around two key points. The first is the apparent impossibility that such a vast landmass could have existed where Plato claims it to have been! The main element in this particular point calls as evidence the fact that in the process of Continental Drift , there is not enough of the geological jigsaw for such an island to have formed, and broken away from it's parent landmass! It therefore falls on those who believe in the historical existence of Atlantis to show exactly which piece of the puzzle the island once formed .

Inexact science.

This may seem like an insoluble problem. Continental drift is scarcely an exact science and division of opinion is commonplace. For instance at the start of this century the scientific establishment considered the whole concept to be highly ridiculous. The notion of continents travelling across oceans seemed too implausible to merit a reasoned response. Indeed the proponent of the theory, the German lecturer and astronomer Alfred Wegener, was widely pilloried.


Now it seems just as ridiculous that continental drift could ever have been doubted. This becomes even more unbelievable when we realise just how easily the theory can be demonstrated. For instance in many areas of the world we see the shape and outline of continents and landmasses with contours matching those of other landmasses from which they appear to have separated. Nowhere is this more apparent than South America, where the outline of the east coast matches perfectly the distant contours of West Africa.

Where matters become harder, is when we try to piece together all the various landmasses to the point where they all began to pull apart. This was a time when there existed just one major land territory known as Gondwanaland, or Pangaea as it is often known. It was from here the continents fragmented - literally floating away in a slow process of continental drift that is still carrying on to this very day.

Gulf of Mexico.

Although many words have been written on the relevant pieces of the continental jigsaw and where they belong, some elements of the puzzle still remain a mystery. There is the suspicion that some of the principal pieces are missing. This is exciting, because one such area focuses on the Gulf of Mexico. It's jagged outlines speak volubly of a tearing process. Additionally this area of the sea bed holds its own set of mysteries. For years oceanographers have struggled to comprehend the complexity of its submerged geology.

Subduction zones and tear lines bear testimony to a turbulent parting of a substantial landmass. Yet incredibly this landmass is nowhere explained by anything we see in the world today. In other words there is no portion of land that can be identified as having separated from this location. In some respects this is only to be expected. Atlantis no longer exists. There is nothing left to see. All we have is the unmistakable impression of some massive tear around the rim of the Mexican Gulf.

Click here for picture of the location and presumed geographical outline of Atlantis.

Slow drift.

All this means that if Atlantis had severed itself from the Yucatan peninsula, it would have drifted slowly westward across an ever widening Atlantic. Together with the continent of Africa it would have steadily progressed on its pliant sima layer by a matter of inches each year. Eventually these inches became many many miles until finally they added up to the width of an Ocean.

The favoured position for the eventual demise of Atlantis is often quoted as being close to the tiny Azores islands. These sunken volcanic islands bear forceful testimony to an incredible natural disaster in ancient antiquity. Another point in favour of this setting is the geographical disparity between other islands around the Azores, and the not too distant African mainland. The island of Madeira is a notable example. This incredible island has a surprising landscape, neither African nor European, but more like a Central American state, with plunging verdant ravines, and jagged peaks, stretching evocatively above low lying clouds. This incongruous landscape cannot easily be explained. The only real answer is that it constitutes a tiny fragment of another continent that drifted thousands of miles from it's parent landmass around the Gulf of Mexico.

Similar Zoology.

Similarities of flora and fauna on either side of the Atlantic led early biologists to assume the existence of a former land bridge spanning the entire ocean. Other theorists maintain that Atlantis was itself the point of creation for many species. This idea received support from a Professor Edward Hull. Writing in the early years of this century he claimed: 'The flora and fauna of the two hemispheres support the geological theory of a common centre in the Atlantic where life began and that during and prior to the glacial epoch great land-bridges north and south spanned the Atlantic Ocean'.

Strange migrations.

9Testimony to the former existence of a massive Atlantic island is often attributed to the bizarre migration habits of certain fish, birds, and rodents. Drawn by some unknown urge these creatures find themselves directed to specific areas of unbroken ocean, almost as if expecting to find land there. The case of the Scandinavian lemming is especially notable, so too the exotic saffron winged catopsilia of British Guiana. The male species of this exotic bird is sometimes said to answer a fatal call that lures it far out into the Atlantic Ocean. Once having reached a specific location the whole flock then fly directly into the sea in an act of mass suicide.

The European Eel Enigma.

By far the most fantastic of these of these Atlantic migrations concerns the European eel. Twice in its lifetime it migrates from the comparative safety of European rivers to the mysterious region of the Sargasso Sea, far out in the Atlantic Ocean.

The Sargasso Sea is itself a huge enigma. Comprising of a vast body of oceanic algae, it teems with small fish, crabs, prawns, and molluscs. Even more remarkable is that very few of these creatures are natural inhabitants of the open sea. It is almost as if a massive landmass submerged at this point leaving a floating platform of debris that is constantly being added to.

Silent witness to Atlantis.

Why the European eel should even attempt to make its hazardous two year pilgrimage to this point is difficult to imagine. Some believe the answers lie ingrained in the eels mind as a genetically maintained memory; the instinctive belief that an island once existed here. In his book The Secret of Atlantis, German author Otto Muck makes the following observation: 'Instinctual animals cannot learn from experience. Eels have been ruled by instinct since the Cretaceous Age. They are unaware that Atlantis no longer exists, that the current circling around the Sargasso Sea is broken. And even if they did know, they could not change their instinctual lifestyle'. The author concludes: 'The eel has, it seems, a better memory than man. It cannot forget the land in the east. Every larvae, every one of the courting eels, bears silent witness to Atlantis'.

One terrible day and night.

The second major objection to the historical existence of Atlantis, is Plato's assertion that it vanished beneath the waves in 'one terrible day and night!' After all, islands don't just disappear, least of all in a day and a night - or do they?

Until now this 'day and a night' has proved an enormous stumbling block to the literal interpretation of Plato's account. To the critics this is the ultimate proof that makes the whole thing absurd. How could an island vanish so quickly? And why is Plato so sure that it did? Was it sheer ignorance, or did this island really submerge in little more than twenty four hours?


Over the years attempts to explain the mystery either as an allegorical reference, a full figurative interpretation, or as some arcane spiritual concept, all fall flat. Even more confusion stems from not knowing precisely what Plato meant us to believe. Nor are matters helped by the ambiguity of the relevant text. It says: 'and in a single dreadful day and night all your fighting men (referring to Athens) were swallowed up by the Earth, and the island of Atlantis was similarly swallowed up by the sea and vanished'.

Two Interpretations.

Here there are at least two interpretations. The first is that Plato gives an equal timescale of a "day and a night" to both the swallowing up of Athens and 'similarly' Atlantis, which according to him then vanishes beneath the waves. The second interpretation is that the 'day and a night' refer solely to the demise of Athens, whereas 'similarly' refers to Atlantis only as it concerns its disappearance beneath the waves, and not the time scale involved. That is to say that it then sank gradually beneath the waves.

Of course gradual is a relative term. In the case of Atlantis we are talking of a phenomenal disaster and even if it's demise was not over the course of one day and night, Plato implies it was an event of astonishing rapidity.

Persuasive Theory.

One theorist who believed in the literal interpretation of 'a single day and night', was the distinguished German scientist Otto Muck. With painstaking research Muck put together his own highly persuasive theory of how such a massive island could disappear almost overnight. He believed the answer lay in the treacherous geography of the area Atlantis once occupied!

If Plato's account is taken literally it occupied a position close to one of the most vulnerable areas of the Earth's crust. This was almost directly astride the Mid Atlantic Ridge - the Achilles tendon of the world, as many have called it ! Here in a chain of intense volcanic activity, the Earth's crust is dangerously thin. If anything like a plunging meteor were to rupture the crust anywhere along this ridge, it would trigger off a catastrophe capable of wiping out all life on the planet.

Massive Convulsion.

If this is indeed what happened to Atlantis, then the whole sea-bed surrounding the island would have erupted in a truly massive convulsion! It would be like a line of gunpowder running between barrels of dynamite. Huge clouds of steam would shoot skywards with red hot magma spewed across the surface of the sea. In geological terms it means that the delicate chain of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge would quite literally explode in a vast wall of flame stretching far above the sea. The Bible in its flood account speaks of the moment ‘when all the fountains of the great deep burst forth’!

It was Muck's contention that so much volcanic debris erupted skywards that it led to the creation of a huge magma depression. So huge in fact that Atlantis literally sank on it's base. Explains Muck: 'And the forces of hell were let hot magma shot up at terrific speed and mixed with the waters of the Atlantic. This created all the conditions for a submarine volcanic eruption of the greatest possible force. The fracture seam ( The North Atlantic Ridge) was torn apart. The bottom of the sea burst open to the north and to the south'. Continues Muck: 'A magma depression was created below the centre of the Atlantic basin .... and the magma level must have dropped by 2-2.5 miles'.

Sinking Island.

Like a stricken warship Atlantis began to sink. Mucks exceptionally detailed calculations based on Plato's size of the island estimated that Atlantis would not only have begun sinking, but that it would have completely submerged within 24 hours. In other words just like Plato said it did! The author then goes on to complete his amazing hypothesis in the following manner: 'The ocean waves rushed in, hissing and emitting clouds of steam, to their newly created sea bed. The previous day that bed had been a large island with high mountains and buildings. Today Atlantis lies some 2 miles lower, in the centre of the depression, right on the ancient fracture seam'.

Wider catastrophe.

Obviously the Atlantis disaster was part of a much wider catastrophe. Around Iceland in the North Atlantic there is a particularly strong indication of sudden inundation. The depth chart of the subsidence around the island illustrates this quite graphically. It reveals a dramatic sinking of a large area of land that seems to have occurred with amazing rapidity. There is no doubt that 14,000 years ago the geography of this region would have looked quite different. Iceland was then four times its present area, of which the Faroes, together with Beerenberg volcano on Jan Mayers island are all that remain of a once great land mass.

In Icelandic mythology we find a strange echo of these events in the Volluspa, a kind of poetic apocalypse that tells of a time when the sun, the moon and the stars were shaken from their places. Large portions of Norse mythology also speak of the immensely turbulent days of a great natural disaster, and influences of this folklore were later to pass into European consciousness through Wagners opera Goterdammerung - The Twilight of The Gods!

Gradual Subsidence.

Although Atlantis is said to have vanished beneath the waves in a relatively short time, there is evidence to indicate that some parts of the island took longer to submerge. Plato, and the Greek philosopher Aristotle, both agree that even in their day, the waters beyond the Straits of Gibraltar were unnavigable due to layers of very thick mud. The cause of this they believed was subsidence left behind from a sunken island.

Impenetrable Mud.

In the Timaeus and Critias Plato explains it as follows: 'At that time, as we said, Atlantis was an island larger than Libya and Asia Minor combined, though it was subsequently overwhelmed by earthquakes and is the source of the impenetrable mud which prevents the free passage of those who sail out of the straits into the open sea'.

In his book Meteorologica Aristotle also mentions 'shallows due to mud' and Scylax of Caryanda likewise mentions a sea of thick mud just beyond the Pillars of Hercules. It seems that even as recently as 2300 years ago - which on the geological scale is barely an eye-blink - the Ocean beyond Gibraltar was unnavigable because of deposits of mud from a vanished island. Even today an examination of the sea bed at this point reveals an exceptionally high level of sedimentation.

Until now this was explained as the result of sediment carried by the powerful currents passing through the Straits of Gibraltar. Yet this would seem unlikely. The reason is that although the area around the Straits is relatively shallow, one does not need to progress far into the Mediterranean before encountering very deep waters. It means that sediment from the Mediterranean would be more likely to deposit itself against the rise of this slope, within the Mediterranean, rather than the Gulf Of Cadiz, outside it.

Other Evidence.

Similar evidence can be found further westwards. Around the island of Madeira we see a vast submerged chain of mountains named the Horseshoe Seamount. Southwards from here, and indeed throughout the whole of this area there is an enormous expanse of sedimential deposit covering wide portions of the surrounding sea-bed. The strange thing is there is nothing to account for this deposit - nothing that is, unless there was once a large area of land here that for some reason began to break apart and later submerged.

Wholesale submersion.

The sum total of this evidence implies that the Atlantis disaster may have been a much more recent affair than Plato is telling us. On the other hand perhaps the initial catastrophe, which destroyed Atlantis - or it's spiritual centre - was merely a precursor to the wholesale submersion of numerous other islands that once existed here. Their demise, like that of Atlantis was probably precipitated by the initial devastating catastrophe that could have led to a complete fragmentation of this entire chain of islands.

Throughout the whole of northern Europe similar stories of sunken lands and cities speak of a widespread phenomenon. In Brittany in France, some of the enigmatic stone alignments plunge straight in the sea towards important submarine markers that were undoubtedly above ground when the alignments were created.

Sunken Cities.

In Greece, the sunken city of Chenchrae, near Corinth is a testimony to the awesome powers of nature that in an instant can sometimes plunge habited settlements far below the surface of the sea. Bimini in the Bahamas is yet another example. Here an exciting catalogue of submerged roadways, huge precisely cut blocks of stone, as well as columns and pillars, and a variety of other crafted artefacts testify to the handiwork of an advanced culture. In his book The Stones of Atlantis, author David Zink argues an Atlantean connection. He concludes: 'I am inclined to regard Bimini as an Atlantean colonial site, or a location of a different culture parallel in time to Atlantis'.

The evidence from here and so many other locations bordering the Atlantic provides clear proof of a sudden and undoubtedly catastrophic submersion. This disaster may have occurred in stages, but the initial spark of ignition is also discernible. So too is the extreme violence of this happening. For instance sediments found in Scottish lakes indicate that at some point in history the ocean poured across the land depositing material that could not have arrived there by any other means.

Loess Terraces.

Sedimential deposit attributable to the same disaster has also been found on dry land. A notable example of this are the famous Loess terraces of Shensi in China. This area forms part of a vast chain of deposit stretching from France, across Germany, southern Russia, Turkestan, and into northern China.

Epic of Gilgamesh.

A surprisingly accurate record of the thick mud that accompanied the Atlantean disaster can be found in the writings of ancient Sumer. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, there is the following account: 'There came the night, when the ruler of darkness sent down a terrible rain. I looked at the weather, it was frightful to look at .... at day break clouds as black as the night appeared in the sky! All the evil spirits raged and all light was transformed into darkness. For days a constant torrent of rain mixed with ash and mud rained down on the Earth'!

The Gilgamesh reports that everyone was quickly turned to mud. But even so, the fury of the disaster was still not exhausted. For as the deluge of rain combined with the tidal waves that ravaged the continents, the land began to flood, and small hills and mountains quickly submerged. In the Timaeus and Critias Plato recounts the devastating effects on the city of Athens. 'You are left with something rather like a skeleton of a body wasted by disease; the rich soil has all run away leaving the land nothing but skin and bone....Today it ( the Acropolis) is quite bare of soil which was all washed away in one appalling night of flood'.


By all accounts the Atlantis disaster must have occurred with deadly rapidity. In these circumstances the island would quickly have become enveloped in huge clouds of toxic gases. Survival time would amount to less than several minutes. Yet here again we have the enigma of finds that indicate that a sizeable number of people were able to reach surrounding continents - both in Europe and Africa, where their presence is quite obviously recorded. This migration extends along the whole of the western European coastline - the imprint of a culture that from Senegal in Africa, to the frozen tundras of Scandinavia is remarkably consistent.

The pure and simple truth is that almost overnight the shores of this area are transformed by the arrival of a remarkably skilled people that appear to arrive out of nowhere. Significantly there is no record of social evolution that would explain such skills, and we are left looking at a mystery with no obvious solution. None that is, unless we explain things in terms of a vast exodus from an Atlantic island that no longer exists.

Atlantean exodus art.

A pointer to this Atlantean exodus can be found in many examples of ancient art. It is a curious feature that in cultures as far dispersed as Sweden and Crete, we see a common theme depicted over and over. It is of people crammed into tiny boats pitting themselves against the open sea in a mass evacuation from an unknown danger. Obviously this was an event deeply etched into the memory of these people, and one they were anxious to retain as part of their ancestral record.

The fact is that find after find illustrate that the birth of civilisation, as we erroneously call it, was not just from a flashpoint in Mesopotamia, but also as part of an eastwards migration from the shores of the Atlantic. In support of this we find incredibly complex monuments like Stonehenge extant well before the building of the pyramids in Egypt. We also find an amazing chain of elaborate stone circles throughout the north west coast of Africa.

Cultural enigmas.

On the other side of the Atlantic there is a similar enigma. Cultures like the Olmecs seem to emerge as if from nowhere, displaying great mastery of stone and architecture. In Mexico, the ruins of Teotihuacan close to Mexico City provide an even greater sense of mystery. Here in a magnificent sprawling complex of pyramid mounds and broad open avenues we find ourselves confronted with a seemingly unanswerable dilemma: Just who built the place?

Remarkably there is no obvious answer. It was certainly not the Aztecs, nor was it the Olmecs or the Maya. In fact all we know is that the architects of this exceptional site seem to arrive out of nowhere and then with their work complete disappear almost as quickly.

People of Aztlan.

Remarkably the name Teotihuacan, when translated from the Nahua language means "The place where men become gods." The belief was that Teotihuacan was where the great gods held council after the destruction of the island known to them as Nahuatl Aztlatlan. Aztec belief like that of so many other Indian tribes was that their origins lay in this halcyon island of plenty, eastwards across the Atlantic. Aztlatlan was its name, and it's inhabitants were known as the people of Aztlan! Of course the similarity between this name and that of Atlas - reputed to be the first king of Atlantis is obvious, so too the comparison between the name Aztlatlan and Atlantis.

Further intrigue comes from the word Atl. In the Nahuatl language it means water, a word it shares with the Berber people on the opposite shores of the Atlantic, in far away Africa.

The ancients.

Another enigma hinges around the very word ancients. According to the dictionary ancient means 'of times long past !' The word is of Latin origin. In its latinised form it becomes 'antiants', and the shade of it's meaning alters slightly to become those, or that which went before! Thus the word ancients becomes antiants . But this word antiants is not too far removed from the name Atlantis! Antiants - Atl-antiants.

Could then the word ancients really mean, 'they that came from Atlantis' - the inhabitants of this long lost island? A name, and a word, that gave its meaning to the world that once existed?

Linguistic connection.

Other Atlantean links are evident in dialects spoken either side of the Atlantic Ocean. On the Iberian Peninsula the Basque language is often considered unique. Heralded as the oldest language in the world it is widely credited as belonging to no other language group. Remarkably however it was found to bear an astonishing resemblance to a dialect spoken by the Otonu tribe in Central America. So close was this similarity that Basque missionaries had no trouble in preaching to the native Indians in their very own language.

Obviously such peculiarities are difficult to explain. In fact the only rational answer is that both tongues have a common source of origin dating back to a far distant time period that is no longer remembered.

Many comparisons.

This linkage of old and new world cultures is also apparent in the striking facial comparison between pure bloodied Basques and the Central American Indians. Undoubtedly we are dealing with a single race of people yet between them lies the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean! Even the very name of this ocean has an undisputed Atlantean link, and should properly be called the Atlantis Ocean. Other place name connections can be found either side of its waters. For instance Atlas, the first king of Atlantis, is also the name of the majestic range of mountains that rise above Morocco. Across the Atlantic on the Yucatan Peninsula, the Maia take their name from the first born daughter of Atlas - King of Atlantis.

In Europe, Cadiz in Spain derives from the name Gadirus, described by Plato as a governor of 'the furthest part of the island towards the pillars of Heracles'. Even the name of the Spanish region of Catalonia hides probable Atlantean connections. If we remove the letter C from Catalonia, we get ATALONIA!!! The resemblance between this, and Atlantis is striking. It could of course be just a coincidence but if so it forms just one of many such coincidences that seem far too numerous to be explained as an element of chance alone.


In a fast growing list of these amazing 'coincidences' we find that modern and ancient forms of entertainment also appear to have links to a common point of origin. For instance the Basque game Pelota, played with a ball bounced against a wall by the bare hand or club shaped bat, bears a striking resemblance to a ball pit game played at Mayan sacrificial ceremonies. Virtually the only difference is that the Mayan variant required the losing team to be sacrificially slaughtered.

The bull fighting connection.

The most exciting evidence of shared traditions in countries facing the presumed location of Atlantis, is undoubtedly bull-fighting. The ritual hunting of bulls and the spilling of their blood as an act of sacrifice, was according to Plato, one of the most solemn of Atlantean ceremonies. It can hardly be coincidence then, that the countries that still engage in bull-fighting - Spain, France, Portugal, and even Mexico, all have Atlantic facing coasts that look out towards the presumed location of this long lost island!

A number of these countries are also renowned for their love of fine horsemanship and breeding of horses. This too was another Atlantean passion. Indeed the inner sanctum of the island, which rested on a concentrically arranged ring of islands possessed a 'special course for horse racing'. Both the emblem of the bull and the horse were deeply etched into the symbolism and practice of Atlantean worship - a symbolism still very much alive and duly celebrated in the Iberian love of equestrian sports and bull fighting.

The labyrinth...

Further authentication of Plato's account of Atlantis can be found in the universal use of the labyrinth, or the swirl symbol. From the Hopi Indians to the Aztecs, to the natives of the Nasca plains, and across the world to almost every culture, including Minoan Crete, we see the unmistakable evidence of a universal symbol. It is to be found amongst the stone circles of Britain and France, through to Sicily and Malta, and beyond it to the African continent - an ever present motif of a special symbol!

But why? Why did the ancients endow this symbol with such awe and mysticism, and why was it so universally adopted?

Map of Atlantis?

Categorised as the symbol of life, the universal use of the swirl pattern or labyrinth, is often explained as the inspiration of a massive collective subconscious, or a symbol that represents the physical outline of our galaxy. This may well be so, but as with so many things in the ancient world, it is also capable of double or triple significance. In this case yet another possibility arises from Plato's description of the layout of Atlantis. For intriguingly enough we are told that the inner sanctum of Atlantis, housing it's administrative and spiritual centres, was formed around a series of concentrically shaped canals. These unmistakably form the shape of a labyrinth!

It isn't too hard to imagine that perhaps the spread of this symbol was conceived with just one intention - to preserve the memory of that special world of Poseidon's island. Atlantis had now sunk beneath the waves, the rest of the world cast into turmoil. To secure it's memory, a lasting emblem was created, the emblem of Atlantis! Use of this emblem in effect constituted a mark of identity, a global kinship cemented by knowledge of this lost age. An emblem that served to unite distant people the world over, and keep alive the memory of this special place.

Historical Reality.

When placed against a background of all the available evidence, the sum total of the proof regarding Atlantis points to a snapshot of history in complete variance with the established view of things. And this is far from the end. In the course of time as more and more finds come to light, our connection to Atlantis is sure to grow brighter and brighter. Already the proof of its existence is approaching the point of being close to irrefutable, and before long we are sure to have an even clearer image of an island that just refuses to die! An island that sooner or later must regain its place in established history.

At the very least it means that the burden of proof has shifted quite decisively. Detractors of the Atlantean theory - both scientists and otherwise, must now show how the many enigmas mentioned here, could be explained in some other way. A task that given all the evidence to the contrary is surely close to impossible.

Above all, this evidence illustrates that the presumed existence of former world ages is more than just a legend. For if Atlantis existed, or to put it more succinctly - if we allow it to exist, and don't put up blinds of ignorance - then a whole range of other possibilities now fall within our grasp."

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